Top things to do in Esmeraldas (Brazil)

Explore the Hidden Gems of Esmeraldas, Brazil

If you’re looking for a unique travel experience, Esmeraldas, Brazil is the perfect destination for you. Located in the state of Minas Gerais, this city is known for its breathtaking natural beauty, historical landmarks, and vibrant culture. With so much to see and do, you’re sure to have an unforgettable trip.

Mirante do Cristo

Start your journey at Mirante do Cristo, a popular lookout spot that offers stunning views of the city. Located on R. Alberto Campolina Diniz 1, this famous tourist attraction is known for its large Christ statue that overlooks the entire area.

Cruz do Rosário

After taking in the views from Mirante do Cristo, head over to Cruz do Rosário on R. Benedito Valadares 347. This historical landmark is a symbol of religious devotion and a testament to the faith of the people of Esmeraldas.

Cruzeiro Sagrado Coração

Another important historical landmark you won’t want to miss is Cruzeiro Sagrado Coração on MG-060, 116. This towering cross is a testament to the city’s deep Catholic roots and is a popular destination for religious pilgrimages.

Marco Inaugural

If you’re interested in learning about the city’s history, make your way to Marco Inaugural on R. Antonio Candido Diniz 90. This site marks the spot where the city was founded and is an important symbol of Esmeraldas’s past.


Esmeraldas is home to several beautiful bridges that are worth exploring, including Ponte Ribeirão das Abóboras on MG-060, Mirante da Vargem on MG-060, and Ponte Joaquim Lemos on MG-060, 125. These bridges are not just functional, but also serve as architectural masterpieces that add to the beauty of the city.

Cachoeira da ponte quebrada

Nature lovers won’t want to miss Cachoeira da ponte quebrada on 5M8J+59. This stunning waterfall is a true hidden gem and is perfect for hiking, swimming, or just enjoying the view.

Recanto do Moinho

Another beautiful natural attraction is Recanto do Moinho on 5P6P+4J, a park that features a picturesque lake and an old-fashioned windmill. This is the perfect spot for a romantic walk or a picnic with friends.

Circuito Esmeraldas Bike Parque

For the more adventurous travelers, Circuito Esmeraldas Bike Parque on an unnamed road is a must-visit. This park offers a variety of outdoor activities, including mountain biking, hiking, and zip-lining.

Pesque e Pague do Natan

If you’re looking for a more relaxing outdoor experience, head over to Pesque e Pague do Natan on CS bairro araujos - R. Maximiliano dos Anjos, 467. This fishing spot allows visitors to catch their own fish while enjoying the peaceful surroundings.

Recanto Feliz

If you’re a nature lover, be sure to spend some time at Recanto Feliz, which is located in the national forest. This park offers plenty of hiking trails, picnic areas, and beautiful scenery.

Other Attractions

Esmeraldas has plenty of other attractions worth exploring, including the following:

  • Cruzeiro Santa Luzia Cidade Jardim on Av. Hum, 844
  • Cruzeiro São Judas Tadeu on Av. Fernão Dias, 333
  • Ponte Córrego Lajinha on R. Pedro Aleixo, 372
  • Ponte Ribeirão Filipão on R. Ana Felipa, 33
  • Ponte Antônio Diniz on R. Antônio C Diniz, 222
  • Estrada para Caio Martins, Esmeraldas - MG on Estr. p/ Caio Martins
  • Ponte Córrego dos Bambus on Av. São Patrício, 940-1164
  • Ponte Córrego da Lavra on 5P4H+QP
  • Cruzeiro Campo Alegre on MG-060
  • Ponte Ribeirão São José on Av. Juscelino Kubitscheck de Oliveira, 35
  • Ponte Córrego da Raiz on Estr. de Acesso p/ Santa Quitéria, 311
  • Ponte Córrego Agostinho on MG-060, 40
  • Recanto VSB on Hiking area
  • Sitio José Maria Esmeraldas on Garden R. Dezessete, 262
  • Praça José Maurício da Silva on City park R. Antonio Candido Diniz, 90
  • Parque de Exposições de Esmeraldas on Park
  • Sitio Do Roxim on Park 590, R. 27, 348
  • Rancho do Isma on Unnamed Road
  • Instituto Heleno Maia on Rua Jatobá, Bambus, Povoado de Bambus (
  • Sítio on Park R. Quatro, 582
  • Chácara Rodrigues Soares on R. Verde Palma, 300
  • Praça Dona Márcia Rodrigues do Carmo on City park R. Padre José de Freitas Lage, 98
  • CANTINHO DE PAZ on Garden
  • Apiario cheiro de mato on Garden 6MQV+HM
  • Cantinho do stain on Garden R. Três, 63


In conclusion, Esmeraldas, Brazil is a hidden gem that is just waiting to be explored. From breathtaking natural wonders to historical landmarks and vibrant culture, this city has something for everyone. So pack your bags, grab your camera, and get ready for an unforgettable adventure.